10 / Feb / 2023
Getting Started with Sennelier Oil Pastels: Tips and Tricks for Beginners
Sennelier oil pastels are a great choice for both beginners and experienced artists alike. This medium is known for its creamy texture, vibrant colors and ease of use. To get the most out of oil pastels, it's best to use them on a heavy-weight paper, such as watercolor paper. Before beginning, it's important to prepare the colors by rubbing them against a piece of sandpaper or a palette knife. When painting, it's best to start with layers, gradually building up to the desired color. Blending can be done with a soft brush, such as a cosmetic brush or a flat, synthetic brush. Sennelier oil pastels are lightfast, meaning they will retain their color over time, and should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

If you're looking to explore a new medium, Sennelier oil pastels are a great choice. Known for their creamy texture, vibrant colors and ease of use, oil pastels are an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced artists alike. Here are some tips for getting started with Sennelier oil pastels.1. Choose your paper. Sennelier oil pastels work best on a heavy-weight paper, like watercolor paper, as this will provide the most support for your colors. If you're working on a smaller scale, you can use a sketchbook or even Bristol board.2. Prepare your colors. Before you begin, it's important to make sure that your colors are properly prepared. To do this, simply rub the pastel against a piece of sandpaper or a palette knife to remove any excess wax. This will help to ensure that your colors go on smoothly and evenly.3. Start layering. As with any medium, it's important to start with layers when painting with Sennelier oil pastels. Start with a light layer, and then gradually build up to the desired color. This will help you achieve a more vibrant and vivid effect.4. Blending: To blend Sennelier Oil Pastels, start by laying down a layer of color. Then, using either a finger or a blending tool, lightly blend the colors together. For a softer blend, use a blending tool. Alternatively, you can also blend with a brush and a bit of mineral spirits.
Frequently asked questions:
What are sennelier oil pastels? Sennelier oil pastels are a type of high-quality pastel stick made with a combination of pigments, mineral wax, and oil. They are highly blendable and come in a variety of vivid colors.
What surfaces can I use sennelier oil pastels on? You can use sennelier oil pastels on any dry, non-greasy surface such as paper, board, canvas, wood, metal, and more.
How do I use sennelier oil pastels? To use sennelier oil pastels, you can simply draw directly onto the surface or use a knife or brush to spread or scrape the pastel.
What is the best way to store sennelier oil pastels? Sennelier oil pastels should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. You can also store them in a sealed container with a lid for easy access.