In the heart of a cursed necropolis lies a crumbling arena, where death is both the fate of the performers and the nature of the audience. The city's skeletal guardians range into the land of the living, capturing poor individuals and dragging them back to the arena to fight for the entertainment of an unliving crowd. The victims are a brief spark of life in an otherwise undead city, extinguished all-too-soon as the phantom onlookers fall silent once more.
Inside this box is everything you need to run a truly epic encounter. Perfect for new and experienced players, Arena of the Undead Horde is ready to play, right away, as part of a new or existing campaign. Many adventurers have stolen into the city in an attempt to stop the evil of the undead horde. Many have failed. Will you fare any better? Danger, discovery, and adventure await!
5e Compatible
Designed to work with the 5th edition of the world’s favorite roleplaying game, this set gives any Gamemaster the tools to create a cinematic experience that will challenge and excite their players.
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