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    • Art Mystery Bag ($20) - No refunds or exchanges

      Art Mystery Bag ($20) - No refunds or exchanges


      Will you get acrylics, watercolours or drawing supplies. It's a mystery valued at up to $70! Try your hand at something new today—you may find an undiscovered favourite. No matter what you'll get a great deal, and have a chance to sample some new stuff.

        In stock (48)

        • Free shipping From C$125.00

        The best deal in the store? Yes Absolutely. Will you get Golden acrylics, Faber-Castell Pencils, Strathmore Paper, Sennelier Pastels, Daniel Smith Watercolour, Maimeri Watercolours or Gouache, Sennelier Acrylics ...... or a wild mystery from so many of our other brands. Each bag could contain a variation of mediums, new items, samples, old favourites or brands we're testing out. 

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