Sennelier uses only the purest pigments and natural binders to create lightfast, water-soluble Half-Stick pastels. Formed painstakingly by hand, the pastels are placed in special molds and left to air dry. No fillers or clays are used. Sennelier soft pastels are so soft that a gentle stroke will deliver a bold, rich line of color. Each pastel half stick measures 1-1/4" long x 1/2" in diameter. Pastel sets are packaged with a snug-fitting foam insert that protects each half-stick. Sennelier offers a variety of color-themed sets. With a curated half-stick set, you get twice as many pastels for the money and get to sample a wide range of vivid colors. The Sennelier Half-Stick sets are available in nine color themes. Each pastel set provides plenty of color inspiration.