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    • Thames & Kosmos Windbots: 6-In-1 Machine Kit
      • Thames & Kosmos Windbots: 6-In-1 Machine Kit
      • Thames & Kosmos Windbots: 6-In-1 Machine Kit

      Thames & Kosmos Windbots: 6-In-1 Machine Kit


      Build six awesome bots that move without any batteries or electricity. The secret behind these fascinating machines is one of the oldest power sources in the world: wind!

        In stock (6)

        • Free shipping From C$125.00

        Build a big-wheel tricycle, quadruped, soaring machine, drilling monster, walking robot, and even a wind-powered yacht. To make them all go, the kit also includes the pieces to build a hand-powered wind generator. As you build and experiment, you will learn about how gears transmit power and torque. Also learn about wind as a power-generating technology — past, present, and future.

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